Cedex Code Container Iso
ISO6346 International Shipping Container Standard. ISO Shipping Container Size Codes. ISO Container Type Group ISO Container Size Type; Code Description.
In order to promote public education and public safety, equal justice for all, a better informed citizenry, the rule of law, world trade and world peace, this legal document is hereby made available on a noncommercial basis, as it is the right of all humans to know and speak the laws that govern them. (For more information: ) Name of Standards Organization: Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Division Name: Transport Engineering Section Name: Freight Containers and Pallets (TED 12) Designator of Legally Binding Document: IS 13731 Title of Legally Binding Document: Freight Containers - Container Equipment Data Exchange ( CEDEX ) - General Communication Codes Number of Amendments: Equivalence: ISO 9897 Superceding: Superceded by: LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT Step Out From the Old to the New-Jawaharlal Nehru Invent a new India using knowledge.-Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda.
Hs Code Container Steel Trash
BIC code on the end of a Owner Code The owner code consists of three capital letters of the Latin alphabet to indicate the owner or principal operator of the container. Such code needs to be registered at the in Paris to ensure uniqueness worldwide. Owner can apply for more than one code, as normally first 2 letters are used as owner code, the third is used to indicate pool (e.g. HLA,HLB,HLX are some HapagLloyd codes to indicate whether container is standard, reefer.) Equipment Category Identifier The equipment category identifier consists of one of the following capital letters of the Latin alphabet:. U for all freight containers.
J for detachable freight container-related equipment. Z for trailers and chassis Under the ISO code, then, only U, J, and Z are in use. The reefer container is identified by means of the size type code. Serial Number The serial number consists of 6 numeric digits, assigned by the owner or operator, uniquely identifying the container within that owner/operator's fleet. Check Digit The check digit consists of one numeric digit providing a means of validating the recording and transmission accuracies of the owner code and serial number.
To compute the check digit, the letters have to be converted to numbers. This is done in three steps: Calculation Step 1 An equivalent numerical value is assigned to each letter of the alphabet, beginning with 10 for the letter A (11 and multiples thereof are omitted): A B C D E F G H I J K L M 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 The individual digits of the serial number keep their numeric value. Calculation Step 2 Each of the numbers calculated in step 1 is multiplied by 2 position, where position is the exponent to base 2.
Position starts at 0, from left to right. The following table shows the multiplication factors: 1. Nbr 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 Calculation Step 3. Sum up all results of Step 2. Divide them by 11. Round the result down to zero i.e.
Make the result a whole number (integer). Multiply the integer value by 11. Subtract result of (iv) from result of (i): This is the check digit. If the final difference is 10, then the check digit becomes 0.
To ensure that this does not happen, the standard recommends that serial numbers should not be used which produce a final difference of 10; however, there are containers in the market which do not follow this recommendation, so handling this case has to be included if a check digit calculator is programmed. Notice that step (ii) to (v) is a calculation of the remainder found after division of (i) by 11.
Most programming languages have a for this. Attention should be paid on how it is working in the language chosen; i. If it is giving back the decimal rest or the integer rest in order to get proper results. 11 is used as divisor because a container number has 11 letters and digits in total.
In step 1 the numbers 11, 22 and 33 are left out as they are multiples of the divisor. Example C S Q U 3 0 5 4 3 8 Calc. 13 30 28 32 3 0 5 4 3 8 × 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 13 60 112 256 48 0 320 512 768 4096 6185 a b) Division by 11: 562.272. C) Erase decimal digits: 562 d) Multiply by 11: 6182 a) minus d) = Check Digit: 3 Code Samples The following are the algorithm in various programming languages: Code Sample (C#).
%% Step 1 char2num = 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 ; msk = logical ( 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 );% mask separating digits from numbers cid ( msk ) = char2num ( cid ( msk ) - 'A' + 1 );% letters to numbers conversion cid ( msk ) = cid ( msk ) - '1' + 1;% digit characters to numbers conversion vec = double ( cid );%% Step 2 num = sum ( vec ( 1: 10 ). 2.^ ( 0: 9 ));%% Step 3 checkdigit = mod ( mod ( num, 11 ), 10 ); valid = ( checkdigit vec ( 11 )); Code Sample (DELPHİ or pascal). Function knt ( x: String ): Boolean; var dizi: Array 'A'. Checkdigit: CHARACTER note local ld1, ld2, ld3, ld4, ld5, ld6, ld7, ld8, ld9, ld10, lsum1, lsum2: INTEGER ldivby11: REAL64 do ld1:= conversionhash. At ( ownercode 1 ). 1 ld2:= conversionhash.
At ( ownercode 2 ). 2 ld3:= conversionhash. At ( ownercode 3 ). 4 ld4:= conversionhash. At ( equipmentcategoryid ). 8 ld5:= serialnumber 1.
Tointeger. 16 ld6:= serialnumber 2. Tointeger. 32 ld7:= serialnumber 3. Tointeger. 64 ld8:= serialnumber 4. Tointeger.
128 ld9:= serialnumber 5. Tointeger.
256 ld10:= serialnumber 6. Tointeger. 512 lsum1:= ld1 + ld2 + ld3 + ld4 + ld5 + ld6 + ld7 + ld8 + ld9 + ld10 ldivby11:= lsum1 / 11 lsum2:= ldivby11. Truncatedtointeger Result:= ( lsum1 - ( lsum2. 11 )).
Out 1 end. Conversionhash: HASHTABLE INTEGER, CHARACTER once create Result.
Html Code Container
Make ( 26 ) Result. Force ( 10, 'A' ) Result. Force ( 12, 'B' ) Result.
Force ( 13, 'C' ) Result. Force ( 14, 'D' ) Result. Force ( 15, 'E' ) Result. Force ( 16, 'F' ) Result. Force ( 17, 'G' ) Result. Force ( 18, 'H' ) Result.
Force ( 19, 'I' ) Result. Force ( 30, 'J' ) Result.
Force ( 21, 'K' ) Result. Force ( 23, 'L' ) Result. Force ( 24, 'M' ) Result. Force ( 25, 'N' ) Result. Force ( 26, 'O' ) Result. Force ( 27, 'P' ) Result.
Force ( 28, 'Q' ) Result. Force ( 29, 'R' ) Result. Force ( 30, 'S' ) Result. Force ( 31, 'T' ) Result. Force ( 32, 'U' ) Result. Force ( 34, 'V' ) Result. Force ( 35, 'W' ) Result.
Force ( 36, 'X' ) Result. Force ( 37, 'Y' ) Result. Force ( 38, 'Z' ) ensure has26: Result. Count = 26 end Code Sample (T-SQL) Below is a implementing the above algorithm in for Microsoft SQL Server, validating column ContainerNumber on all rows of the dbo.Containers table.
With cteNumbers as ( select rownumber over ( order by ( select null )) as n from ( select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 ) t ( n ) ) select cnt. ContainerNumber, ( x.
sum % 11 )% 10 as computed checksum , substring ( cnt. ContainerNumber, len ( cnt.
ContainerNumber ), 1 ) as last digit , case when cnt. ContainerNumber not like 'A-Za-zA-Za-zA-Za-zA-Za-z0-90-90-90-90-90-90-9' then 'Incorrect format' when nullif ( substring ( cnt. ContainerNumber, len ( cnt. ContainerNumber ), 1 ), char ( ascii ( '0' ) + ( x. sum % 11 )% 10 )) is not null then 'Incorrect checksum digit' else 'Ok' end as status from dbo. Containers cnt cross apply ( select sum ( power ( 2, n.
N - 1 ). case when t.
Ch between '0' and '9' then ascii ( t. Ch ) - ascii ( '0' ) when t. Ch = 'A' then 10 when t. Ch between 'B' and 'K' then 12 + ascii ( t.
Ch ) - ascii ( 'B' ) when t. Ch between 'L' and 'U' then 23 + ascii ( t. Ch ) - ascii ( 'L' ) when t.
Ch between 'V' and 'Z' then 34 + ascii ( t. Ch ) - ascii ( 'V' ) end ) from cteNumbers n cross apply ( select upper ( substring ( cnt.
ContainerNumber, n. N, 1 )) ) t ( ch ) where n.