Fire Simulation Program

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  1. SimsUShare is a fire and safety training simulation software application (fire simulator) typically used for site inspections, promotional exams, disaster/emergency.
  2. Why FLAME-SIM? FLAME-SIM is the only training tool that allows you to perform unscripted, high pressure, full scale training scenarios. You tailor tactics specific to.

Imagine being able to quickly acquire years of experience in making good firefighting decisions under pressure. Thanks to some high-tech, web-based simulation training, soon firefighters will be able to do just that. The program, named AlphaACT FIRE, is being developed by AlphaTRAC, based in Westminster, Colo., with help from the IAFC’s Technology Council, and is designed to give less-experienced firefighters the decision-making skills of veterans with multiple incidents under their belts.

Fire Simulation Software. Fire simulator that runs on any PC and allows the firefighter to experience a number of different fire scenarios. The new program is.


Note that the focus here is on decision-making—not the fire tactics used. That’s because, as AlphaTRAC’s Decision Psychologist Dr. An Oskarsson explains, “Good crisis decision-makers use a different process than others in the same or similar situation.” Good decisions are made, in part, because the individual decision-maker can draw from their history of similar experiences, but, as Oskarsson points out, “A lot of chiefs are retiring, and younger firefighters don’t have the same level of experience. There aren’t as many big fires as there used to be, so it’s hard to get that level of experience.” The Psychology Behind Decision-Making AlphaTRAC trains professionals, including firefighters, soldiers and others who respond to crisis conditions, to make good decisions. In the case of fire tactics, Oskarsson explains, “Experience alone doesn’t guarantee that you’re a good decision-maker; how you apply that experience also matters. That’s why there are differences even between experienced crisis managers. We went after why some are more successful than others.”.

Native Advertisement Their approach is based on the work of research psychologist Gary Klein, who developed the recognition-primed decision model or RPD. The basic principle of RPD is that a firefighter on scene will mentally process similar past experiences, apply what happened then to the current situation, and adapt their past decisions to fit the current situation. This is all done automatically, but the process can actually be broken down into six stages: characterize, recognize, analyze, customize, dramatize and utilize. How It Works Like AlphaTRAC’s hazmat training simulation program, which launched in January 2013, their broader-based tactical fire program takes users through those RPD stages to train them in the decision-making process. Users select from a database of “experiences” or simulations based on actual fires. They can then view photos, maps and other graphics, and see data on the incident as they are asked to make decisions at each stage.

As the IAFC Technology Council explains, the six stages in AlphaACT FIRE translate to:. Sizing up the situation using available information. Searching a database of experiences for a past event that adequately matches current conditions. Evaluating the past event to see if it fits the situation at hand. Tailoring the past event to reflect the current event. Mentally rehearsing the decision to verify whether it’s likely to work.

Putting the decision into play. As users work through each simulation, they can rely on their own knowledge or that of others. “Our training is on how to apply those experiences,” stresses AlphaTRAC Marketing Director Jonathan Mackintosh. “And repetition of the training reinforces the decision-making process.” At the conclusion of a simulation, the user can compare their outcome to those of other users—including their training officer or a subject matter expert. “We don’t evaluate your tactics, because there may not be one right answer.

What we do score users on is their decision-making process,” Mackintosh explains. He also stresses that AlphaACT FIRE can train firefighters at all career levels. “Because every fire is different, even experienced firefighters can be placed in situations and can experience consequences that they rarely see.” The program will also include extensive discussion forums, where users can share feedback with firefighters across the country. A Database of Experiences The scenarios used in AlphaACT FIRE include detailed information on real-life incidents, including all sorts of statistics and lessons learned.

Fire trainers and others can share their department’s experiences through AlphaTRAC’s online database XCapture FIRE. Although not all experiences will be chosen for inclusion in AlphaACT FIRE, the database will be available free to the fire community, and can be used for “official after-action reviews, or simply to tell your stories,” Mackintosh says. Departments can browse the experiences of others to learn new procedures or build their own tactics. “For example, if a small town is getting its first Wal-Mart, the fire department might need to learn how to approach a fire in a large industrial building—they can check the database,” Mackintosh says.

AlphaTRAC is planning to release the free version of XCapture FIRE this month through the IAFC (; a pro version with additional features and functionality will follow soon after that. Beta Testers Wanted AlphaACT FIRE should launch in January 2014 and will be subscription-based. In the meantime, the simulation program will be ready for beta-testing this summer, and AlphaTRAC is seeking more fire departments to try it out. If you’re interested in participating, visit.


Why FLAME-SIM? FLAME-SIM is the only training tool that allows you to perform unscripted, high pressure, full scale training scenarios. You tailor tactics specific to your department.

FLAME-SIM drives every firefighter to face decision making on the fireground. This allows firefighters to transfer their individual experience and the battalions experience from training to the real world. FLAME-SIM’s unique technology combined with real firefighter experience has proven to train firefighters more effectively than videos or verbal instruction. Fire Chiefs and Training Chiefs consider FLAME-SIM a critical component to the practical lessons every fire house needs. How do I create new scenarios? Customization with FLAME-SIM is point and click.

There is always pressure on training time, FLAME-SIM has point and click editors that allow you to customize to your apparatus and scenarios in just a few minutes. Light a fire in any room, place occupants in the structure, bystanders outside, change the structure type from platform to balloon, all to ensure your firefighters are faced with the same challenges they see in your response area. This allows you to maximize the training time without a lot of set up time. How do departments use FLAME-SIM? Departments have great success using FLAME-SIM.

Besides the vigorous experience, departments are excited about the use of FLAME-SIM to train Incident Command and Fireground Communication. Departments separate the IC, interior companies, and exterior companies to drive the reality of the training. Each firefighter has their own view of the structure, is able to interact with the structure, and is forced to communicate using fireground radios as they currently do on the fireground. Departments discover that they exercise critical thinking and assessment and communication under stress. It feels very realistic.

How realistic is the training? Incident Command and firefighters must quickly take in an overwhelming amount of information. Each situation requires the right decisions, rapidly, on deployment and execution. FLAME-SIM trains for enhanced Teamwork and adherence of SOP’s. Our technology allows the fireground to unfold unscripted so the decision making reflects the actions of each firefighter.

Fire Simulation Program

This allows EVERY participant in the training event to learn, as opposed to involving only the Incident Commander. FLAME-SIM does not limit the actions of the firefighter, allowing them to make the same mistakes that are made on the fireground each day. This gives Command the ability to correct those mistakes as they occur.

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Firefighters can open any ventilation point, vent-enter-search, set fans and employ many more tactics in the FLAME-SIM environment, eliminating the need to script every correct and incorrect action of a firefighter. Can I get after action reports? Feedback is a critical to fire fighter evaluation.

FLAME-SIM’s after action report tracks 59 actions, orders, and reports based upon NFPA standards. Actions such as 360 completions, hose size selection, point of attack, rooms searched, vents opened, and more are saved to the PC and printed. This provides the vital who, what, and, when information needed to critique the actions of each firefighter. FLAME-SIM also provides insight into the developing behaviors of rising leaders. What does FLAME-SIM cost? FLAME-SIM is sold in “seats” of software.

Each seat allows one person to operate in the environment at a time. The maximum number of seats that FLAME-SIM currently supports in the same environment is 16. The common first purchase of FLAME-SIM is a number of seats equal to the number of companies in the department’s first alarm fire response for a confirmed fire. We can work with departments to increase or decrease the number of seats and/or package hardware and FLAME-SIM to work within your budget. How can I see it in action? For more information on FLAME-SIM or to see when we will be traveling to your area, please.

For a free demo of the FLAME-SIM software, please click here.