Transfer Files To Ps2 Hdd

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May 09, 2015 How To Transfer Games to Your PS2's Internal HDD Via Ethernet (Softmod. Hard Drive mod OPL Playstation 2. Transfer Playstation 2 Save Game Files. Could I put a game on a USB thumb drive and transfer it to the HDD on the ps2. Transfer.ISOs from USB to HDD via PS2. The FAT32 format doesn't support files. Nov 09, 2004 Transferring from PC to PS2 HDD, help. How do i transfer files over to the ps2 from my pc i got it all connected and it loads the 3 files but again how do i.

Transfer Files To Ps2 Hdd

How To Transfer Games to Your PS2's Internal HDD Via Ethernet (Softmod Required) Easy modding guide! Files and instructions here! TRANSFER TIME IS. Size (in megabytes) divided by your average rate (in MB/s) to get the time it will take (in seconds). Divide by 60 to get minutes and you're good.

Transfer rates usually fluctuate between 0.8 MB/s and 1.2 MB/s. I'm not sure if there are any videos like this one out there, but either way, I've made one. I've seen a few videos showing you how to run your PS2 games off of a USB flash drive or external HDD using OPL, but compatibility is iffy.

Being able to sit back and easily transfer over games is the best option, in my opinion. Not to mention that both of the 'phat' PS2's I've owned have had their optical drive burn out quickly.

This guide is aimed for people who own a unmodded PS2 and own HDloader and want to install the MC Exploit. Before you start you need the following items at hand: PS2 PS2 Indepen Network Adapter CDGenPS2 HDloader retail version NAD (Network Access Disc), only needed if FlashFXP don’t connect. ExecFTP 0.68 WinHIIP (or other dumping tool) FlashFXP CAT5 Crossover Network Cable (If you are using ICS with PC) Straight CAT5 Network Cable (If PS2 network adapter connects to a router) First of all format the HDD using HDloader (you have to do this 1st time with HDloader anyway). Once that is done stick the HDD into your pc and switch it on. Download WinHIIP, ExecFTP, CDGenPS2 and FlashFXP.

Once you have downloaded all of those you are going to need to make an image (which consists of ExecFTP 0.68) which you can then inject onto the PS2 hdd using WinHIIP. Extract ExecFTP into a folder and place the CDGenPS2 onto the desktop (its only 1 file).

Run CDGenPS2 and drag and point the SYSTEM.CNF file (from the folder with ExecFTP in it) into the right hand side of the CDGenPS2. Then right click on the system.cnf and click on and select edit. Check the 'Fix LBA' box and set the LBA to 12231 (very important!). Now drag the rest of the files into CDGenPS2 (should only be EXECFTPS.ELF and CONFIG.DAT). Once you done that click on the IMG button on the left hand side and save the image to the desktop for easy access. Now run WinHIIP (should have extracted that into folder first) and then select the drive that you formatted in the PS2 using HDloader (it will say PS2 next to the size of the hard drive). Now you are gonna have to inject the image you created with CDGenPS2.

Click on Add Image(s) and then browse for the image (it should be on the desktop if u took my advice), select it and then click on start. Once that has finished you will need to turn off the pc and then remove the hdd and put it back in the ps2. Now start HDLoader using the original disk and run ExecFTP via the GUI menu and it will go to a black screen and it will say that it has started a server on Port 21 on the TV. Leave that running and now to install FlashFXP on the PC. Once that it is done run it. Now create a FTP connection to using port 21 and anonymous. Also in the toggles tab uncheck passive mode.

Now click on connect and it will connect to the ps2 for you and you should see 3 folders (hdd, mc, psf). If it does not connect you will need to statically assign your ps2 an IP address using the NAD (more info about this can be found by googling it).

Now that you have established the FTP its all matter of placing the BOOT.ELF and TITLE.DB into the correct directory. Now find another guide that tells you how to put your PSX games ID into the TITLE.DB so that it works as a trigger (very easily found on this site). Once you have created your TITLE.DB file you will need a BOOT.ELF (that’s any PS2 app you want to make it start with, I use LaunchELF, which can be found at, so that I can run my appz through button association and I can put the ELFs onto a HDD partition and run them from there instead of the MC thus saving space for saves (loads of appz on the MC usually takes up bout 1-2mb I’d say).

Transfer Files From Ssd To Hdd

If you don’t want to get into that and have enough MB on ur MC then just copy all your appz such as HDavance into that directory as well. Now go into the mc folder and then into 0 folder.

Now you will see a list of folders (depends how many saves you got on the memory card). Go inside “BEDATA-SYSTEM” folder (that’s PAL version, it will be BADATA-SYSTEM for NTSC PS2’s) and now copy over your BOOT.ELF and TITLE.DB into that directory. Turn off the PS2, place in the trigger CD and let it run, if you followed this right then LaunchELF should come up on the screen.

Transfer Files To Ps2 Hdd

Transfer Os To Hdd

Now you have successfully installed the MC exploit. I can make a guide on request about how to install appz onto a HDD partition and get them to run from there.

I have a question. This has probably been answered already, but I've been searching and have not found a clear answer to me yet.

Transfer To New Hdd

Can I transfer a game to my PS2 only using these: network adapter,harddive,hdloader or hdadvanced? And not using the pc to ps2 transfer? Only insing PS2? A: YES Definitely! You can transfer/install your games to your PS2 HD by using the system alone (Play Station 2) along with mention above 'Network Adapter, Hard drive and HDLoader software'. Just Have them handhy HDLoader or HDAdvance and enjoy your games.

Q: Hi there, kinda new to forum, well my first post, I went to try out this well describe by navy95 upper but, I tried many way to connect my offical sony ps2 hd on my pc, and it doesnt want to detect it, I am on win98, I was wondering if anyone got special drivers or know anything wich could help me, thanks A: I think it got to do with the revisions, that's why windows 98 can not detect it. And for the driver? I don't think it's posted somewhere, remember sony manipulated it the official HD to just work with PS2, I would suggest get a fresh HD from a third party vendor (like seagate, maxtor, samsung etc.) Have Fun! Q: how do i transfer files over to the ps2 from my pc i got it all connected and it loads the 3 files but again how do i transfer the files any1??????????

A: What kind of files are you trying to transfer to your PS2? I have a program that strictly linking your PS2 to your PC. The function of this programs is strictly installing Games into your HD (hard drive on the PS2)without dis-assembling and removing the Network Adapter and the HD and then attach it your pc and use WINHIIP, it's simply install games thru the network.

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I have the program (image) for it if you're interested just send me a line. There is however, another program that will link your PS2 to your PC, therefore you can browse your MC, HD or even the ROM of your PS2 from your PC once linked, see 'navi95' tuturial. With 'navi95' tuturial, I don't know if transfering games works, I didn't persue it. Goodluck and Have Fun. A: What kind of files are you trying to transfer to your PS2? I have a program that strictly linking your PS2 to your PC. The function of this programs is strictly installing Games into your HD (hard drive on the PS2)without dis-assembling and removing the Network Adapter and the HD and then attach it your pc and use WINHIIP, it's simply install games thru the network.

I have the program (image) for it if you're interested just send me a line. There is however, another program that will link your PS2 to your PC, therefore you can browse your MC, HD or even the ROM of your PS2 from your PC once linked, see 'navi95' tuturial.

With 'navi95' tuturial, I don't know if transfering games works, I didn't persue it. Goodluck and Have Fun.