Hyperdesk - Sony Ericsson Onyx Series
How to uninstall Hyperdesk - Sony Ericsson Onyx Series Version 1.00.0002 by The Skins Factory, Inc.? Learn how to remove Hyperdesk.
.Only for Windows XP. This does NOT work on Windows Vista or 7. Please don't download or try this if your OS not in XP OS.
The Sony Ericsson Onyx Series hypersuite transforms your Windows XP desktop into a sleek, multi-colored Sony Ericsson branded environment. Now you can fully change the look and feel of your start menu, window frames & buttons, taskbar, dialog boxes and other Windows interface elements with a simple click of a button. Included are 6 main hyperthemes (3 extra variant colors are available), 61 stunning icons, a versatile Windows Media Player 11 skin featuring “ultra-thin” modes for audio and video and 6 color-bursting wallpapers that fully compliment each color scheme of the hypersuite.
Sony Ericsson Cell Phones
The default colors are Tangerine, Lime, Oceana, Orchid, Firebrick and Slate (extra variant colors included are: Cerulean, Magenta and Key Lime - for information on how to access them click “Extras Included” below). For Windows XP users only. Designed and developed by The Skins Factory for Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB. System Requirements: OS: Windows XP 32bit with SP2 or SP3 Processors: 233 MHz Memory Ram: 128MB Disk Space: 230MB Windows Media Player Version 11 File type: 7zip -(extract)- Exe file Preview Sample.